What's on our hearts lately...

The Gospel.
Nothing can change everything in your life quite like the grace of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ. That period at the end of that sentence is critical, for Jesus Himself said boldly, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" John 14:6 which sums up Acts 4:12 in "there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."
If you want to see the gospel in an even clearer section of Scripture, there may be no better description than what Paul provides in Romans 3:19-26, which comes right after chapters 1 and 2 of Romans in which it's clear that all mankind from birth are guilty as sinful people before God's holiness and therefore are without excuse in regards to His commands. And thus the only hope for any of us, is the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To do as Christ first commanded in Mark 1:15 and "to repent and believe in the gospel" which is to repent of our sins and self-focused life and to trust in Christ by faith, only then will God see all our sins as being imputed to Christ on the Cross and His righteousness as imputed to us, so now when God sees us, He sees us as having lived the life of Christ! 2 Cor. 5:21, "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
What grace.... what mercy!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

More of Jude...

So this one is mainly prompted by our good friend Sara Lawes and her desire to have some coming home photos... So no more talking... just our boy(s).

Introducing.... Jude Thomas Weis!

Well here is the little one who's been flipping/kicking/boxing around inside of Melissa for some time now... we were blessed to be able to have a planned C-section.
Although Jude came out looking like he had just been dipped into flour (vernix) and having quite a bit of amniotic fluid to get out of his lungs which resulted in a couple tense minutes right when he first came out. It wasn't until he had some oxygen in the nursery and was able to easily breathe on his own and get some pink color throughout him as he finally rested on Mommy's chest that we were all able to really enjoy our precious little gift. It's amazing how similar he is in size to Keenan when he was born.... Jude weighed in at 6.10 lbs, while Kee was 6.6 lbs. Jude was 19 inches long, where Keenan was 19.5 inches. It's becoming apparent God allows us to produce cute and little guys... So enjoy the pics and there are more to follow...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Jude is coming!

So we are anticipating the birth of our second boy, Jude by next Wed. March 9th via a scheduled C-section, unless God decides we are ready sooner and causes Melissa's water to break....
But I thought it would be great to post a fun picture we took last night as we celebrated my beautiful wife's birthday... I won't say what age, but I will say she has been so incredible during these months of pregnancy and especially lately as getting around in the record snow and normal cold is not as easy as it was back in 07 with Keenan in San Diego.

I'm sure we'll have a couple new posts soon, as we anticipate our new little man's arrival and exactly how God made him, his hair color, if he has any hair, if it's curly like his brother's and will it be Red like Keenan's???
The other pictures are of Keenan and me enjoying a Sunday afternoon nap and Keenan doing his best impersonation of Mommy... while dancing of course!
More to come...